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Potentially Dangerous Diet Strategies

In the diet industry, anything goes. "Appetite-suppressing eyeglasses" boast colored lenses that are said to project an image on the retina that dampens the desire to eat. "Magic weight-loss earrings" are custom-fitted to the purchaser to stimulate, it is claimed, the acupuncture points controlling hunger. (Neither has been proven effective.) Much of the diet advice you encounter may be misleading, and some of it can be downright dangerous. Beware of the following weight-loss wonders.

Diet Pills. Over-the-counter "diet aids" really do work - but only for a while. They contain stimulants that decreases your appetite, and/or mild diuretics which cause you to eliminate fluids more quickly than normal. These pills can temporarily cause your weight to drop, but they won't eliminate body fat. As soon as you stop taking them, your weight is likely to bounce back to its previous level. Until recently, many diet pills contained phenylpropanolamine (PPA), a stimulant chemically similar to amphetamine. But the FDA is now taking steps to remove the drug from all products after researchers discovered that PPA slightly increased the risk of bleeding in the brain among women who used the drug for weight control or nasal decongestion. Other over-the-counter diet aids that pose dangers include herbal formulas containing ephedra or aristolochic acid, and supplements containing tiratricol, a potent thyroid hormone.

The side effects of diet pills can range from the mild - dizziness, nausea, and increased urination - to the severe - chest pain, heart attack, liver and kidney damage, stroke, seizures, and even death. The pills can be dangerous for people with heart problems, thyroid disease, and high blood pressure. "Pills are not the answer," says Dr. Pi-Sunyer. "The answer is diet and exercise. There is effort involved in weight loss."

Fasting. When you fast, you lose muscle before fat. After a day or two of fasting, many people succumb to a high-calorie binge. Long-term fasting is hazardous, since it weakens your immune system and places a strain on vital organs.

Skin Patches. These "diet patches," which supposedly contain an appetite suppressant, have not been proven safe or effective. The Food and Drug Administration has seized millions of these products from promoters.

Diuretics. The weight you lose is only water weight. The loss is temporary and doesn't include any fat. Diuretics can promote dangerous dehydration and cardiac problems.

Electrical muscle stimulators. These devices, which have legitimate medical uses in physical therapy, have no place in weight loss or body toning. You just can't zap off the fat. When used incorrectly, the devices can cause electrical shocks and burns.


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